后元音[ U ] [ ʊ ] = 英式音标[ u ] [ ʊ ]
1、My mother is a good cook. 我妈妈的厨艺不错。
2、Don’t push me; you’re making me nervous. 请不要催我,你让我很紧张。
3、Put down your book. 把书放下。
Sentence Pattern/句型
I hate…… 我不喜欢…..
1、I hate waiting in line. 我讨厌排队。
2、I hate being interrupted [ˌɪntə’rʌptɪd] when I’m working. 我不喜欢工作时被人打扰。
action 行动,行为;动作,作用
1、All we need now is action, not discussion. 我们所需要的是行动,而不是讨论。
2、Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜过言辞。
3、The time has come for action. 行动的时间到了。
王牌经典句/Most Classical Sentences
1、These are some photos of my family. 这些是我家人的照片。
2、The world needs heroes to look up to. 这个世界需要英雄让人们景仰。
3、Guangzhou is one of the most energetic [ˌenəˈdʒetɪk] cities is Asia [ˈeɪʃə]. 广州是亚洲最有活力的城市之一。
口语要素/Spoken Elements
Forget it. 算了吧;别客气。
1、How can I ever repay you for all your help? 你给我那么多的帮助,我怎样才能报答你?
2、Forget it. That’s what friends are for. 别客气。朋友就是这样的/我们是朋友嘛。
The Customer is Always Right 顾客永远是对的
1、The manager of a shop was yelling [jel] at one of his staff [stɑ:f]. 商店的经理正在训斥一名员工。
2、“I saw you arguing with a customer,” he said crossly [krɒslɪ]. “我看见你和一个顾客在吵架,”他非常恼火地说,
3、“Will you please remember that in my shop the customer is always right. Do you understand?” “请你记住,在我的店里,顾客永远是对的。你懂了吗?”
4、“Yes , sir,” said the assistant [əˈsɪstənt]. “The customer is always right.” “是的,先生,顾客永远是对的。”店员说。
5、“Now what were you arguing about?” “那你刚才和他在吵什么?”
6、“Well, sir, he said you were an idiot [‘ɪdɪət].” “噢,先生,他说你是个白痴。”
goose bump 鸡皮疙瘩 [ɡu:s] [bʌmp]
1、Just seeing her in a magazine [ˌmæɡəˈzi:n] gives me goose bumps — she’s such a beautiful woman. 即使在杂志里看到她也会使我激动得直起鸡皮疙瘩。她真是个美女。
2、I can’t stand your secretary’s [‘sekrətrɪ] voice. It gives me goose bumps. 我受不了你的秘书的声音,听她说话我就起鸡皮疙瘩。
3、Well, I can’t either. I’m thinking of getting rid [rɪd] of her. 我也受不了。我正想辞掉她呢。
后元音[ u ] = 英式音标 [ u: ]
1、Who is this fool? 这个傻瓜是谁?
2、He’s in no mood for jokes. 他根本无心说笑话。
3、I think it’s too soon to tell. 我认为那言之过早。
句型/Sentence Pattern
I don’t think… 我不认为…
1、I don’t think she can do this job. 我认为她做不了这件工作。
2、I don’t think that’s a good idea. 我认为那不是个好主意。
3、I don’t think it’s our fault [fɔ:lt]. 我认为这不是我们的错。
challenge 挑战
1、This job offers [‘ɒfə(r)] me a real challenge. 这份工作给了我真正的挑战。
2、Let’s work together to meet the challenge of the 21st century [‘sentʃərɪ]. 让我们一起努力,迎接21世纪的挑战。
3、I always look for challenges in my work. 我总是期待着工作上的挑战。
王牌经典句 Most Classical Sentences
1、Say hello to your family. 向你家人问好。
2、I like to meet all kinds of people, and I enjoy talking with them. 我喜欢结识各种各样的人并与他们交谈。
3、You can ask the police for help. 你可以找警察帮忙。
口语要素/Spoken Elements
For here or to go? 在这儿吃还是带走?
1、I’d like a French fries and a small Coke, please. How much is the total. 我想要一份薯条和一杯小可乐。一共多少钱?
2、Thank you, sir. It’s 25 yuan. For here or to go? 谢谢,先生。一共25元。您在这里吃还是带走?
A Real Man 大丈夫
1、Mr. Smith: Oh, God! I left my wallet under the pillow. What shall I do? 史密斯先生:噢,天哪!我把钱包放在枕头下啦,我该怎么办呢?
2、His Colleague: Don’t worry. Your maid is an honest woman, isn’t she? 他的同事:别着急,你的女仆人是个诚实的女人,对不对?
3、Mr Smith: Yes. But she will give it to my wife. 史密斯先生: 是的,可是她会把钱包交给我妻子。
4、He is an honest man. He never tells lies. 他是个诚实的人,从来都不会说谎。
have a short memory 健忘
1、I have such a short memory for names. 我老是记不住人名。
2、Do you have a short memory or what? I told you when my wife calls just tell her I’m in a meeting! 你是健忘还是怎么着?我告诉过你,如果我老婆来电话就说我在开会!
3、But, she heard your voice, sir. There was nothing I could do. 可是,她听到你的声音了呀。我只能这么做。
合口双元音 [ e ] = 英式音标 [ eɪ ]
1、Don’t be late for work. 上班不要迟到。
2、Things are going great. 万事顺心。
3、I’m sorry, I made a terrible mistake. 对不起,我犯了个很严重的错误。
句型/Sentence Pattern
I heard… 我听说…
1、I heard you’re getting married. 我听说你要结婚了。
2、I heard you’re going abroad. 我听说你要出国。
3、I heard you had a bady, congratulations! 我听说你添了个宝贝,恭喜恭喜!
embarrass [ɪm’bærəs] 使窘迫,使困惑,使困难
1、Making speeches in public always embarrasses me. 公开演讲总是让我不好意思。
2、Are you trying to embarrass me? 你是想让我难堪吗?
3、He enjoys embarrassing people. 他喜欢让人难堪。
王牌经典句/Most Classical Sentences
1、Don’t spend too much money on clothes. 别在衣服上花太多钱。
2、Thanks for your advice. 谢谢你的忠告。
3、I an interested in music. 我很喜欢音乐。
口语要素/Spoken Elements
Good job! 做得好!
1、I double-checked everything and didn’t find any mistakes. 我把所有的东西检查了两遍,结果没有发现任何错误。
2、Good joy! 做得好!
Who’s Going to Pay? 谁付钱?
1、A man received [rɪˈsi:vd] a phone call conveying [kən’veɪɪŋ] an excited [ɪkˈsaɪtɪd] voice. 一个男人接到一个口吻激动的电话。
2、”Hello! This is the garage [‘ɡærɑ:ʒ] . Your car has just been driven [‘drɪvn] up here by your wife for repair. Let me know who’s going to…” “喂!这里是修车厂。你太太刚刚开着你的车子来修理。我想知道修要……”
3、”OK, OK.” Cut in the man tiredly [‘taɪəd] : “I’ll pay for the car.” “好啦,好啦,”这人不耐烦地打断他的话,“我会付修车费。”
4、”Who asked about that?” The irritating [‘ɪrɪteɪtɪŋ] voice went on. “All I wish to know is, who’s going to pay for repairing my garage?” “谁问你这个?”愤怒的声音继续说,“我想知道的是,谁要付我修理车厂的费用?”
5、Please convey my best wishes to your parents. 请向你的父母传达我最美好的祝愿。
hit the ceiling [ˈsi:lɪŋ] 大发雷霆
1、The real damage [‘dæmɪdʒ] was a broken window. It was only a fender [‘fendə(r)] bender [‘bendə(r)] , but I know Dad would hit the ceiling when he saw it. 其实只撞坏了车窗,小车祸而已,但我知道爸爸看见后会大发脾气的。
2、What did your mom say when she saw your grade [ɡreɪd] ? 你妈妈看到你的成绩后说什么?
3、She hit the ceiling as usual. 像往常一样,发火。
合口双元音 [ aɪ ] = 英式音标 [ aɪ ]
1、I’m feeling kind of tired. 我感到了有点累了。
2、Let me have a try. 让我来试一试。
3、I’d like to invite you to dinner. 我想请你吃饭。
句型/Sentence Pattern
I prefer… 我更喜欢……
1、I prefer Chinese food to Western food. 与西餐相比,我更喜欢中餐。
2、I prefer country music to jazz. 比起爵士音乐,我更喜欢乡村民谣。
3、I prefer good health to money. 比起金钱,我更看重健康。
exaggerate [ɪgˈzædʒəreɪt] 夸张,夸大
1、Don’t exaggerate. Just tell me exactly [ɪgˈzæktli] what you saw. 别夸大,只要告诉我你究竟看到了什么。
2、You have to exaggerate your pronunciation when practicing English. 练习英语的时候要夸张你的发音。
3、It is hard to exaggerate the importance of this day. 无法再夸大这一天的重要性。(这一天太重要了。)
王牌经典句/Most Classical Sentences
1、She can speak three different languages. 她能说三种不同的语言。
2、You can do anything if you try. 如果你尝试,你可以做任何事。
3、Do you think you can pass the test? 你认为你能通过考试吗?
口语要素/Spoken Elements
I appreciate your invitation. 感谢你的邀请。
1、Anna and I are getting married. We’d like to invite you to our wedding.我跟安娜就要结婚了。我们想邀请你参加我们的婚礼。
2、I really appreciate your invitation. I’ll be there for sure. 非常感谢你的邀请,我一定会到的。
That’s funny. 真有意思。
1、I got married because I got tired of eating restaurant [‘restrɒnt] food, washing my own laundry [‘lɔ:ndrɪ], and wearing clothes with holes in them. 我结婚是因为我已厌倦了上餐馆吃饭、自己洗衣衣服,还有穿有洞的衣服。
2、That’s funny! I got divorced [dɪˈvɔ:st] for the same reasons. 真有意思!我离婚也是因为同样的原因。
3、Everybody has got tired of your constant [‘kɒnstənt] complaining [kəm’pleɪnɪŋ] ! 大家都对你喋喋不休的抱怨感到厌倦了。
hot air 空话;废话;吹牛
1、The candidate’s [ˈkændɪdət] promises were only hot air. 这位候选人的许诺只不过是些空话。
2、I don’t want to listen to your bullshit [‘bʊlʃɪt] . All your talk is just hot air. 我不想听你的废话。你不过是夸夸其谈。
3、How can you talk you dad like this? 你怎么能跟你的老爸这样说话?
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